[Prev| Next| Index] 2/21/96, by Michelle A. Wallace, North Hollywood, CA [Image] [Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am I a subversive or a patriot? (In one word, yes!) Hello, my name is Michelle Wallace. I suppose I am what could be considered your average american citizen. I take care of the ones I love, make an honest living, pay my fair share of taxes, and so on. I'm not a religious sort of person, though I follow a spiritual path of my own, I have my own moral beliefs and convictions. So why do I submit an essay protesting the regulations and censorship imposed by the Communications Decency Act, when I personally have no interest in searching for the "seven dirty words" on the net? Maybe it's just that once again, I'm your normal everyday american citizen who's been given the constitutional right to free speech. Only to have that snatched away by the shortsighted minds of people like Senator Exon, and by President Clinton. The internet is a fabulous tool for gaining information on anything one could possibly want to search for. It's not owned by anyone, I take up a part of cyberspace right beside millions of other people. No own holds a title deed to it. So how does the United States Government justify legislating the actions of a worldwide conglomerate of individual users, companies large and small, educational institutions and so on? Abraham Lincoln said this government is "of the people, by the people, and for the people." So, in a sense, I have more ownership of the U.S. Government than the internet. Funny, that doesn't seem to mean much to these lawmakers who've sat around despite our protests telling us what we can and cannot say on the net. Not only is that a violation of my rights as a U.S. Citizen. These lawmakers are acting far out of their own jurisdiction, by imposing these "standards" upon everyone in and outside the United States. Did the citizens of any other nation have a say in the matter? Did we in this country, really have much say in the matter? Pardon me if I misread my history books, but I believe they said the U.S. government is a democracy, not a global empire dictatorship. Of course I would prefer that my children not download sexually explicit images or instuctions on how to build pipe bombs. Shouldn't I have the right and the responsibility to restrict my children from what I believe to be inappropriate for them? Censorship sometimes can be humorous in its effects. A large commercial computer network once decided the word "breast" was unacceptable and prevented use of that word online. Amazing how soon it was after they did so that they were flooded with complaints from people afflicted with breast cancer. Personally, all I could think about was how would I rewrite a recipe for cajun chicken breasts to make it acceptable to their standards? My site makes reference to various parts of the human anatomy as part of a medical research study. Anyone of any age can gain uncontrolled access to the project at any time. Will I be imprisoned and fined for distributing obscene materials across telephone lines? Of course I can also be labelled "subversive" for protesting the actions of the government which was supposedly under my control. Only very recently did the Soviet Union disband into independent states. Americans gasped in horror at the stories of people being sent to gulags or executed for speaking out against the government, holding religious meetings or other acts which the government found to be objectionable. Is the U.S. Government destined to repeat that? The U.S. government cannot even balance a budget, yet they expect to know what is obscene and what isn't? Let's not forget how many people were laid off while the Republicans and Democrats had their little cat fights. Seems to me both of these parties are sending a very strong message to the voters in this election year, that is: The government is too big to control, yet it keeps trying to control more and more aspects of our lives. Let's cut the crap and vote Libertarian in '96! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Michelle's Nook o' the Web